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The following information was prepared by Mohammed Abdulai, PhD Student in the Department of Sociology, University of Saskatchewan
The Legal Needs Assessment for Saskatchewan is a collaboration between the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science and Justice Studies; the Centre for Research, Evaluation, and Action Towards Equal Justice at the College of Law; and the Law Society of Saskatchewan and aims to increase access to justice for Saskatchewan people by identifying legal needs and gaps in legal information and support, specifically in the family and civil law areas. The project has the potential for important law reform and service delivery impact for Saskatchewan residents, and is financially supported by the Law Society of Saskatchewan and the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan.
The assessment will address a deficit in justice data in Saskatchewan. It will contribute to coordinated efforts across the country to undertake impactful data collection, highlighting met and unmet legal needs. This is significant because data deficit impedes the advancement and measurement of solutions to address the access to justice (A2J) crisis. The relevant recent national survey had a minimal representation from Saskatchewan – 3.1 % (Canadian Forum on Civil Justice, 2018). The research is building off other legal needs surveys, nationally and internationally, and it is guided by the OECD guidelines (released in 2018) on legal needs surveys.
The survey hopes to find information that will contribute to solutions to meeting the access to justice (A2J) crisis, especially within Saskatchewan. By surveying the relevant stakeholders working in communities throughout the province, views about what constitutes the met and unmet legal needs of people will be ascertained and solutions proposed.
Submit your feedback by filling out the assessment:
Lawyer Survey link:
Community Survey link: