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Banking & Finance Law Review
Volume 40, Number 1 (January 2023)
Technological Transformations in the Financial Sector: Principles for Lex Specialis, Lex Generalis and their Interrelationship / Iris H-Y Chiu
Open Finance: Regulatory Challenges of the Evolution of Data Sharing Arrangements in the Financial Sector / Nydia Remolina
Singapore’s Emerging Regulatory Approach to Stablecoins / Rachel Phang
Playtime is Over; Time for Canadian Regulators to Step Outside of the “Sandbox” — A Critical Analysis of the Canadian Regulatory Response to Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) / Jonathan Buckle
The Digitization of Money: Stablecoins and CBDC / Benjamin Geva and Mohammed Muraj
Who’s your debtor? Group insolvency and the curious case of Celsius / Ilya Kokorin
[Book Review] Driverless Finance / Jillian Grennan
[Book Review] Routledge Handbook of Financial Technology and Law / Andrew Godwin
Commercial Insolvency Reporter
Volume 36, Number 3 (February 2023)
Managing Business Storms: A Guide to Handling Customer and Supplier Insolvency / Caitlin McIntyre and Daniel Loberto
Environmental Obligations Trump Lenders: The Trend Continues / Adam Maerov, Talia Gardner, and Ryan Johnson
Collecting on Judgments Just Became Easier, But With Implications for Lenders: The Money Judgement Enforcement Act Receives Royal Assent / Kibben Jackson and Glen Nesbitt
Health Law in Canada
Volume 44, Number 3 (February 2024)
Editorial / Simmie Palter
Canada’s Psychedelic Renaissance: An Overview and Critique of the Regulatory Framework / Parmida Esmaeilpour
National Creditor Debtor Review
Volume 39, Number 1 (March 2024)
British Columbia Supreme Court Interprets a Settlement Agreement as Part of a Company’s CCAA Proceedings / Heidi Esslinger and Dilina Lallani
Intercreditor Covenants Face New Challenges in Canadian Insolvency Proceedings / Evan Cobb