The information provided on this blog is to, the best of our knowledge, accurate and up-to-date as of the date of posting. However, please be aware that information can change rapidly and without notice. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented after the posting date. It is advised that readers exercise due diligence and independently verify the accuracy of information they find on this blog news feed. Here are links to the most current information available in relation to our Membership, Saskatchewan Case Law, and Saskatchewan Legislation.
The Law Society of Saskatchewan’s Legal Resources Library regularly adds journals to its collection. Members can borrow issues by contacting library staff or by placing a request through the online catalogue. The public are welcome to view journals by visiting a Law Society library or by requesting a scanned copy.
Contact Legal Resources here.
Canadian Business Law Journal
Volume 68, Number 3 (July 2024)
Sandbagging in Canadian Law and Practice / Camden Hutchison
Mapping Out the Ever-Shifting Sands of the Distributions Outside the Local Jurisdiction Landscape in Canada: the Elusive Quest for a Truly Harmonized Approach / Jason L. Alcorn
[Book Review] CSR as Law: Putting Corporate Social Responsibility Across the Globe in Dialogue with Corporate Social Responsibility: A Legal Analysis / Nicole Spadotto
Canadian Family Law Quarterly
Volume 43, Number 1 (July 2024)
Is Anyone Listening? A Judicial Perspective on Children’s Views and Preferences / Hon. Justice Andrea Himel and Niema Mohammad
Back to Basics: A Guide to Trust Claims for the Family Law Lawyer / Katherine Cooligan and Lindsay Correia
Frequently Asked Questions: Family Law Costs in Ontario / Maria Golarz and Vanessa Lam
Untangling Section 4(2)3 of the Family Law Act and the Exclusion of Personal Injury Settlements / Shawn Duguay
Commercial Insolvency Reporter
Volume 36, Number 6 (August 2024)
SCOTUS Denies Relief for Sackler’s Oxycontin Pains / Jamey Gage, Heather L. Meredith and Nathan Stewart
Substance Over Process: BC Court of Appeal’s Decision on the Fraudulent Preference Act Raises Interesting Questions / Tom A. Posyniak and Glen Nesbitt
Reappointing a Receiver: Lessons from Grant Thornton and The Lexin Group / Kevin Barr, Farrukh Ahmad and Adam McDougall
The Criminal Law Quarterly
Volume 72, Number 3 (August 2024)
Expanding the Criminal Law Again to Deal with Foreign Interference / Kent Roach
R v. Barton and the Future of the “Rough Sex” Defence in Canada / Elizabeth Sheehy, Isabel Grant and Lise Gotell
International Human Rights Law Principles of Human Dignity and Rehabilitation Applied to Indeterminate Sentences in Canada / Geneviève Boudreau
Accountability and Independence of Prosecutorial Decision-Making / George G. Dolhai
Judges, Jurors and Potential Jurors’ Knowledge and Beliefs Concerning the Fallibility of Eyewitness Testimony: A Meta-Analysis / Sylenah Beckford, Louise Bond-Fraser and Ian Fraser
Voluntariness in Criminal Law: Addressing the Problem of Intoxicated Violence / Graham Mayeda
Drug Purity and Purity Adjusted Weight: An Analysis of Sentencing Principles and Jurisprudence / Michael M. Michel
Manitoba Law Journal
Volume 45, Number 4 (2022)
A Gatekeeper Stage for Lay Opinion Evidence / Michael Plaxton and Peter Sankoff
Criminal Records for Marijuana Possession: Is Eligibility for a Pardon Enough? / Colton Fehr
Convicting the Clergy: Seeking Justice for Residential School Victims Through Crimes Against Humanity Prosecutions / Kona Keast-O’Donovan
“I am a Corporation and I Committed a Crime, I Can’t Go Bankrupt”: Recent cases on the Intersection of Organizational Criminal Liability and Bankruptcy / Darcy L. MacPherson
Erasure and Erosion: Exploring Federal Government Efforts to Complicate Socio-Legal and Environmental Obligations Owed to Indigenous People / Shawn Singh and James Gacek
The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same: Bail Pending Appeal After R v Oland / Kenneth Grad
IP, Encryption, and the Threat to Public Safety / Matt Malone
Manitoba Law Journal
Volume 45, Number 5 (2022)
The Right to Counsel and Have Counsel Present / John Burchill
The Balancing Approach to Charter Interpretation: Theoretical and Practical Problems in the Context of Detention and Interrogation / Alanah Josey
Trade Unions and Remediation Agreements – Does the Criminal Law Favour Management Over Labour? / Darcy L. MacPherson
Secrecy and Impunity: The Role of Law Societies in Canadian Wrongful Convictions / Melissa Montana
The Application of Gladue Principles During NCRMD and Fitness Disposition Hearings / Michael Michel
Part A – Setting the Stage: Recognizing the Importance of the Open Court Principle and Access to Justice in Manitoba During the COVID-19 Pandemic / Shawn Singh and Brandon Trask
Part B – Drawing the Curtains in the House of Justice: Analyzing the Impact of Pandemic Measures within Manitoba Courts on the Open Court Principle, Access to Justice, and Charter Rights / Shawn Singh and Brandon Trask
A Call for Diminished Responsibility in Canada / Alexia Bystrzycki
National Insolvency Review
Volume 41, Number 4 (August 2024)
Finding the Shore of Redwater: Alberta Court of Appeal Holds Private Litigant Not Entitled to “Super Priority” Environmental Remediation Claim / Kyle Kashuba, Tyson Dyck, Jeremy Opolsky, Mike Noel, and Leora Chapman
Substantive Consolidation of Solvent Entities? The Manitoba Court of Appeal Weighs In / Trevor Courtis