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William Vavra of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan has been reinstated effective October 1, 2022, and is therefore entitled to engage in the practice of law in Saskatchewan.
Read More +From Courts of Saskatchewan Members are invited to attend the swearing-in Ceremony for the Honourable Stephen Kritzer at 3 p.m., Friday, March 31, 2023, at the Swift Current Provincial Court House.
Read More +From Humane Canada Humane Canada and Dr. Amy Fitzgerald invite you to participate in a short, 15-20 minute government-funded online survey to assess Canadian family justice system professionals’ knowledge of the link between animal abuse and family violence. As well as assessing family justice system professionals’ knowledge, this survey aims to determine how the link between animal abuse and family...
Read More +Victor P. Dietz K.C. Pro Bono Service Award Nicholas Cann K.C., McKercher LLP This award recognizes someone who engages in delivering, establishing, coordinating, or advocating, in relation to pro bono legal services in the province. The award is presented by CLASSIC Law and Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan in alternating years. The award recipient is selected from nominees by a committee....
Read More +Roundtable: Women in the Law is a virtual gathering open to all genders hosted collaboratively by the Canadian Chapter of the International Association of Women Judges, the Canadian Bar Association – Saskatchewan Branch, CREATE Justice, and the Law Society of Saskatchewan. This virtual event will be held on March 8 from 5 pm to 7:30 pm. This roundtable is offered...
Read More +From Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Most cities in North America have seen the deterioration of their older inner-city neighbourhoods. As a result, these neighbourhoods have lost much of their value, making them affordable to low-income tenants. Saskatoon is no exception, and while the life circumstances bringing people into these neighbourhoods greatly vary, the challenges faced by inner-city residents are similar...
Read More +From Law Society of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Lawyers' Insurance Association On January 1, 2023, the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act, S.C. 2022, c. 10, s. 235 came into force. Subsection 4(1) prohibits non-Canadians from purchasing, directly or indirectly, any residential property situated in Canada. Further, and importantly for lawyers and other professionals involved in real...
Read More +John Kwok of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan has been disqualified effective 4:00 p.m. January 30, 2023, pursuant to Rule 724 and is therefore not entitled to engage in the practice of law in Saskatchewan until all reinstatement requirements pursuant to Rule 728(2) are satisfied.
Read More +Joree Nelson of Calgary, Alberta is no longer disqualified, and has become a former member effective January 25, 2023.
Read More +According to the recently released report on The National Study on the Psychological Health Determinants of Legal Professionals in Canada by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada, the current situation paints an alarming picture. Legal professionals in all areas of practice and all jurisdictions suffer from significantly high levels of psychological distress, depression, anxiety, burnout and suicidal ideation, with those in...
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