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By Alan Kilpatrick, Librarian The Law Society’s searchable legal databases (Bills, Cases, Conduct Review, Ethics Ruling, and Sentencing Digests) were officially relaunched on a modern, mobile-friendly, and cloud-based database platform on Friday, November 20th, concluding a year-long Legal Resources project. Congratulations to the @LawSocietySask for 40 years of providing access to legal info tools Saskatchewanians need, and for the launch...
Read More +By Alan Kilpatrick, Librarian I am very excited to announce that today we are officially relaunching our searchable in-house Saskatchewan legal databases on a modern, mobile-friendly, cloud-based platform: Law Society of Saskatchewan Conduct Review Database Law Society of Saskatchewan Ethics Rulings Database Saskatchewan Bills database Saskatchewan Cases database Saskatchewan Court of Appeal Sentencing Digest Saskatchewan legal practitioners, the judiciary, and...
Read More +By Alan Kilpatrick, Reference Librarian Online Legal Resources in the Age of Covid-19 (CPD 282) Thu, Jun 18, 2020 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CST Registration Fees: $90.00 +5% GST = $94.50 While your physical Law Society library locations might be closed due to coronavirus, rest assured you still have access to one of Canada’s leading online legal resource collections. ...
Read More +By Ken Fox, Research Librarian Over the past couple of weeks, I told you how to find and search within Irwin law books online. Now let’s talk about Emond ebooks. Our Emond collection currently includes two series of ebooks: Criminal Law and Working with the Law. Both can be accessed from the Member Resource section – look for the Emond...
Read More +By Reché McKeague Most of our research usually ends up in a written document. As good researchers and writers, we always indicate the source of our research. (Right? Right.) As a result, knowing how to efficiently footnote our research can be as helpful as knowing where to go to find the research in the first place. So, I present to...
Read More +By Alan Kilpatrick, Reference Librarian Today, we’re launching a new video series, Remote Resources for Law Society Members, to highlight the key legal resources Saskatchewan members can access remotely, right on their computer's desktop, simply by logging into the Members' Resource Section! Produced by Alan Kilpatrick and written by Ken Fox, this five-video series is freely available on Vimeo. New...
Read More +By Ken Fox, Research Librarian A week or two ago, I told you how to find Irwin law books using the Des Libris platform, accessible through the Member Resource section. I ended that post on a bit of a sour note, explaining that your search to find relevant ebook material from Des Libris does not help you locate material within...
Read More +By Ken Fox, Research Librarian Last week I told you how to access the Irwin Law book collection through the Des Libris ebook platform. This week I will give you a few tips on finding texts using Des Libris. The Des Libris library that Saskatchewan lawyers have access to includes more than 80,000 titles on every subject under the sun....
Read More +By Ken Fox, Reference Librarian The library is still closed, and will be for some time, it seems. But some of you have still been asking for legal texts, which means that you, possibly a great many of you, are still out there doing legal work. When lawyers ask for legal texts, they often ask for them by name: Sullivan...
Read More +By Alan Kilpatrick, Reference Librarian Our personal and professional lives have been dramatically impacted by COVID-19. We’re are all trying our best to stay informed, remain physically and mentally healthy, and to live and work in this brave new world. I am not alone in suggesting that staying informed about this pandemic and experiencing this constant barrage of information about...
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