The Law Society now provides a unique solution to access CPD. After 10 years of hosting various live and online CPD Activities, the Law Society launched a new platform in 2020 housing all our recorded content in one easy place for an affordable price. Your CPD OnDemand subscription includes free registration to any upcoming live webinars and a $75 discount to in-person live seminars throughout the duration of the subscription term!
Your annual subscription to the CPD OnDemand platform can be purchased for only $799 per calendar year. The subscription term runs from January 1 to December 31.
-The username/email is the email associated with your Law Society account. First-time purchasers must choose “reset your password” on their initial login to the platform.
-The CPD OnDemand accountislinked to the Law Society account you used to purchase the subscription, but the passwords between the LSS website and CPD OnDemandare notlinked.
-Any password change on one account will not change the password on the other. If there is confusion, please reset your passwords.
-If you change your email on the Law Society website, your CPD OnDemand subscription will be disabled, as it is linked to your original LSS account username/email.