Keep in mind what your audience wants and needs to know.
Stick to your topic’s bullet points.
Challenge your learners with appropriate content.
If you are unsure of the learning level, consult with us.
Our Legal Resources Library includes great tools for researching your paper or presentation.
Distill content to key concepts.
Develop a logical presentation outline with a few points for each key concept. Include an introduction and conclusion.
Prepare your materials for submission.
Be creative – consider including visual aids, videos, or poll questions. Submit these in advance for tech review and assistance.
Top Preparation Tips
Clear Language: Avoid using practice-specific jargon. Where you cannot avoid this, explain what you mean.
Balance: Be mindful of the diverse perspectives of your audience.
Equality Issues: Consider inclusivity and equality from a legal and a writing perspective.
Fact Checking: The Law Society does not verify statute, case citations, or content. Please ensure that you are satisfied with the accuracy of your materials prior to submission.
Credit: If you are updating a previous paper by another lawyer, remember to credit the original authors. If an articling student or associate assists you with your paper, remember to credit them as well.
Copyright: If you wish to include any copyright protected material (e.g., photos, videos, previously published papers, or articles), we’ll happily assist in securing reprint permission. Please make your request at least 3 weeks prior to your presentation date. We assume that all materials are free of any copyright concerns unless they have been flagged by you.