Law Society of Saskatchewan CPD Activities CPD 167 – TRC Calls to Action: Canada’s Residential Schools – How Did We Get Here? Where Do We Go From Here?
CPD 167 – TRC Calls to Action: Canada’s Residential Schools – How Did We Get Here? Where Do We Go From Here?
Qualifies for 1 CPD Hour all of which qualifies for Ethics
The presentation sketches the history of residential schooling from its inception in colonial times until its shutdown in the 1969-96 period. It explains the aims of the three parties – Indigenous peoples, missionaries, and federal government – that were involved in operating the residential schools and outlines how the schools functioned day to day. The presentation explains the shortcomings of the schools and how parents and Indigenous leadership responded to those ills in an effort to have the problems eliminated. Finally, the malignant legacy that the schools have left behind and the necessity Canadians face today to respond to that legacy and move towards reconciliation are examined. While the presentation deals with the panCanadian background of the residential school story, the focus of the story of the schools in operation is on the Saskatchewan case.