Recorded 2021-02-24
Qualifies for 2 CPD Hours, all of which qualifies for Ethics.
With COVID-19’s arrival last year, many offices necessarily shifted to managing staff, communicating with clients, and rendering services remotely. Now that we’ve been at this for almost a year, many are asking about best practices for online communication, change management considerations for introducing new technologies, and developing/maintaining organizational culture. Our speaker, Barron K. Henley, is a lawyer and partner with Affinity Consulting (which specializes in legal technology and law practice management). In addition, Affinity Consulting has 56 employees in 14 states, so not only does Affinity help law offices with all of the aforementioned issues, but they have always managed their own (widely) distributed workforce. As such, Mr. Henley has plenty of experience to share, not only with what has worked for Affinity’s clients, but also what has worked for Affinity. We’ve asked him to join us and share his best practices, tips and strategies for managing a remote workforce, maintaining communication internally and externally, and securely sharing files and client data.