We have added the ability for non-lawyers to complete the annual report on behalf of the Designated Representative (DR). This is meant to allow bookkeepers or other staff to complete the form and upload the required supporting documentation. However, only the DR can submit the report on behalf of the firm. The DR remains responsible for the annual report, including the completeness and accuracy of the information provided and ensuring the report is submitted by the deadline. Please log into your member profile to complete the form.
In addition to completing the Annual Report, your firm has been selected to file the Accountant’s Report TA-5R for the period ending December 31, 2021. Please see the important instructions below for more information on the Accountant’s Report.
The Annual Report form does not “auto-save”. If you need to save your current progress or are going to be inactive in the form for more than 20 minutes, please scroll to the bottom and press “Save for later” to prevent any loss of information.
Rule 905 states that it is the Designated Representative’s obligation to submit the Annual Report. The form can be completed by an employee other than the Designated Representative, however it must be submitted through the DR’s membership credentials.
While the Annual Report has moved online, the Accountant’s Report remains a paper/fillable form to be completed and submitted by a licensed CPA. Once you have completed and submitted the Annual Report form online, please print a copy to send to your accountant for their review along with the attached copy of the Accountant’s Report that is required to be completed.
After completion of the accountant’s work, the accountant will submit their completed report and the copy of your Annual Report directly to us as instructed in the Accountant’s Report.
If you have any questions, please contact: [email protected]