Qualifies for 1 CPD Hour
The Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan, building on the work of Professor Ronald C.C. Cuming, Q.C., put forward in September 2018 a document entitled “Tentative Proposals for a Land Charges Act”. Saskatchewan’s laws dealing with security interests in real property (the most common of which are mortgages) has multiple sources in statute law and common law, and can be confusing to the uninitiated. Prof. Cuming and the Law Reform Commission have put forward draft legislation entitled “The Land Charges Act” for comment. This proposed legislation is intended to rationalize and modernize Saskatchewan’s real property security law, as was done with personal property security law in this province decades ago (another initiative of Prof. Cuming’s). The proposed reforms, if ultimately enacted into law, will impact both solicitors handling real estate and financing transactions, and litigators enforcing security interests in real property. This webinar will be presented by Bob Kasian and Paul Olfert of the Saskatoon office of MLT Aikins LLP. Bob maintains a corporate commercial practice with a focus on commercial real estate and secured lending. Paul maintains a litigation practice with a focus on insolvency, including enforcement of security interests in real and personal property.