The Law Society is working to expand access to legal services through implementation of the recommendations in the Final Report of the Legal Services Task Team. The Law Society is committed to do this in a responsible and sustainable manner, balancing the need for ensuring public protection with enhancing legal services for underserved Saskatchewan individuals.
Learn more about implementation of the recommendations in the Final Report of the Legal Services Task Team.
On January 1, 2020, The Legal Profession Act, 1990, was amended to include a definition of the practice of law and to modernize the legislation regarding legal services to provide more flexibility for future developments related to alternative (non-lawyer) legal service providers. Related to these amendments, the Law Society:
The Future of Legal Services Initiative is guided by a series of principles:
Given the importance of this Initiative, the Law Society has a series of articles that outline the progress of this work through the Future of Legal Services Committee:
The goal of this Initiative is to enhance access to legal services and the Law Society is working with the Ministry of Justice, alternative legal service providers, the public, lawyers, and other legal stakeholders in developing a flexible regulatory structure that strengthens access to justice while minimizing risk for the public.