17.39 – IT Expertise

A key strategy to protect against cyberfraud and malware is adequate IT expertise. If a firm uses its own IT personnel, they should be well-versed and prepared to prevent and act upon a breach. When the firm is relying on third-party resources, the provider must also be up to date on best practices. In either case, speed is critical. The effects of attacks and breaches can often be minimized by a fast response, and the longer a system remains vulnerable or infected, the worse the problem gets.

When using third-party IT help, it is also essential that clients know that you are doing so. IT personnel have access to most firm information, including client data. Take steps to ensure confidentiality within their purview. Clients should be advised of this and given explanations of measures which are in place to protect their information. Clients are unlikely to complain – they want and expect security, after all. But they must know when other parties have access.