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By Alan Kilpatrick, Librarian
A virtual family law help session will be taking place at the Saskatoon Public Library (SPL). SPLs Summer 2021 Guide, page 16 advertises the session:
Do you have questions about parenting, child support or divorce, court forms and processes? Join experts who can help answer your questions related to family law matters in a question and answer session. If you are interested in attending a session you are encouraged to view the short family law videos from the Family Law Information Centre.
Tuesday / Jun 15 / 11:30am: To join this session visit
Thursday / Jun 17 / 11:30am: To join this session visit
Tuesday / Jul 13 / 11:30am: To join this session visit
Thursday / Jul 15 /11:30am: To join this session visit
Tuesday / Aug 10 /11:30am: To join this session visit
Thursday / Aug 12 / 11:30am: To join this session visit
The session is being offered in partnership with the Government of Saskatchewan, Family Law Saskatchewan, the Law Society of Saskatchewan, Pro Bono Students Canada, and Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan.