The information provided on this blog is to, the best of our knowledge, accurate and up-to-date as of the date of posting. However, please be aware that information can change rapidly and without notice. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented after the posting date. It is advised that readers exercise due diligence and independently verify the accuracy of information they find on this blog news feed. Here are links to the most current information available in relation to our Membership, Saskatchewan Case Law, and Saskatchewan Legislation.
By Sara Stanley, Library Technician, Law Society of Saskatchewan
The Law Society of Saskatchewan’s Legal Resources Library regularly adds journals to its collection. Members can borrow issues by contacting library staff or by placing a request through the online catalogue. The public are welcome to view journals by visiting a Law Society library or by requesting a scanned copy.
Contact Legal Resources here.
Estates Trusts & Pensions Journal
Volume 43, Number 1 (December 2023)
Valid and Rational? Tom v. Tang, 2023 BCCA 221- Wills variation and disinheritance at the Court of Appeal for British Columbia / Polly Storey
Palichuk v. Palichuk, 2023 ONCA 116 – A Reaffirmation of the Doctrine of Spes Successionis in Pre-Mortem Will Challenges / Kimberly A. Cura
A Modern Approach to Costs of Adult Guardianship Proceedings in British Columbia / Emily L. Clough and Polly Storey
The Costs and Risks of Guardianship Proceedings in Ontario / Jan Goddard, Henry Howe and Mallory Laurie
From Black and White to Shades of Grey: New Representation and Assistance Law in New Brunswick / Christopher J. Marr
Dispositive Delusions Affecting Wills: Part Two – The Medical Perspective and Practice Recommendations / John E.S. Poyser, Nathan Hermann, Roger D. Lee, and Kenneth Shulman
Canadian Business Law Journal
Volume 68, Number 1 (December 2023)
Corporate Purpose: Towards a New Governance Practice for Canadian Publicly-Listed Companies / Stéphane Rousseau and Sarah Pineau
Litigation Financing: The Case for Taking a Security Interest in Commercial Tort Claims Under the CCPPSL Model / Zeyad A. Aboudheir
The Unjust Enrichment Apocalypse in Canada / Sagi Peari
Commercial Insolvency Reporter
Volume 36, Number 2 (December 2023)
Law Society of Alberta v. Higgerty: Non-Creditors Appointments Under the Judicature Act / Kevin Barr and Farrukh Ahmad
Intercreditor Covenants Face Challenges in Canadian Insolvency Proceedings / Evan Cobb
National Insolvency Review
Volume 40, Number 6 (December 2023)
Hitting Reverse: B.C. Court Refuses to Grant a Reverse Vesting Order / David Bish, Scott Bomhof, Jeremy Opolsky, and Mike Noel
Appellate Guidance on Appealing Receivership Orders: The Balancing Beam of Creditor Rights in Creative Wealth / Tamie Dolny and Alex Bernicchia-Freeman