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Saskatchewan’s population has grown increasingly diverse over the past 10 years; data from the 2016 Census shows increases in those who identified as being members of several minority or equity-seeking groups.
Diversity has advanced from a mere compliance exercise focused on meeting numbers for various measurable attributes, to the reality that our organizations are increasingly diverse, multicultural and global.
As we recognize Access to Justice Week in Saskatchewan from October 22-29, we engage new and diverse voices in the access to justice conversation and highlight initiatives that aim to improve access to justice for Saskatchewan residents. To this end, the Law Society has partnered with the CBA to offer a full day of programming dedicated to the Benefits of Diversity, on October 23 and 24 in Saskatoon and Regina respectively. The day has been designed by a diverse group of practitioners, judges and LSS staff to address this important topic and ensure relevance to all those who inhabit the legal landscape of the province.
We are delighted to be hosting Ritu Bhasin as our morning presenter. Ritu is a prominent Canadian speaker on the issues associated with equity and diversity in the legal profession.
Terri Karpish, McDougall Gauley’s Director of Professional Development, has known Ritu for a number of years in a number of capacities and had this to say regarding her Saskatchewan visit:
“Ritu is highly regarded as an expert in the diversity field in Canada and the US. I am so excited that she is coming to Saskatchewan!”
Subsequent to Ritu’s workshop, we will welcome a group of local speakers who will focus first on the changes seen in Saskatchewan’s demographics and move to a discussion of local perspectives and lived experience. Our day will be concluded with a session moderated by Chief Justice Richards that will bring us full-circle as we address how diversity in your organization positively impacts business.
As Saskatchewan becomes more diverse, let’s arm ourselves with the necessary skill sets to recognize the way culture impacts our perceptions, beliefs, behaviors and responses.