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By Alan Kilpatrick
The Saskatoon Public Library’s Frances Morrison branch hosted a free Legal Resources Fair during Saskatchewan’s Third Access to Justice Week. The fair featured a tradeshow, legal assistance clinics, and presentations on legal topics.
The fair’s bustling trade show included representatives from non-profit, government, and community organizations. It gave members of the public a chance to connect with Saskatoon’s legal service providers.
Volunteer lawyers and law students from the Ministry of Justice, Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan, and Pro Bono Students Canada hosted a free walk-in family law information clinic. Lawyers from CJC & Co. LLP volunteered to host a free walk-in wills and estates information clinic
Law Society Librarian’s Ken Fox and Alan Kilpatrick were proud to attend the trade show and to connect with members of the public who had questions about legal information.
Hosting a fair like this aligns naturally with the mission of public libraries. CREATE Justice explains further on its website:
Saskatoon Public Library’s mission includes providing free and open access to resources as well as providing community spaces where people and ideas meet. Through the Legal Resource Fair, we are able to help meet the legal needs of Saskatoon citizens with the tradeshow of service providers, a walk-in family law information clinic, and a walk-in wills & estates information clinic.
The Law Society Library is looking forward to participating in the Regina Public Library’s annual Legal Resources Fair in Winter 2019.
Create Justice. (2018, October). Saskatchewan access to justice week. Retrieved from
Legal Sourcery. (2018, October 24). Free Legal Resources Fair – Saskatoon. Retrieved from