The information provided on this blog is to, the best of our knowledge, accurate and up-to-date as of the date of posting. However, please be aware that information can change rapidly and without notice. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented after the posting date. It is advised that readers exercise due diligence and independently verify the accuracy of information they find on this blog news feed. Here are links to the most current information available in relation to our Membership, Saskatchewan Case Law, and Saskatchewan Legislation.
By Melanie Hodges Neufeld
The folks here at Legal Sourcery received a special New Year’s Eve gift – our blog won the Canadian Law Blog Award (Clawbie) for Best Canadian Law Library Blog. This is the second year in a row we have earned the honour and we are grateful to those who nominated us.
Best Law Library Blog Award
Winner: Legal Sourcery. Few categories prompt so many nominations from our readers as Best Law Library Blog, and no blog receives so many or such enthusiastic nominations as Legal Sourcery. The blog of the Law Society of Saskatchewan consistently generates engaging and informative posts about legal developments, regulatory changes, research trends, and just plain fun observations and contests. Ken Fox, Melanie Hodges Neufeld, Alan Kilpatrick, Kelly Laycock and Sarah Roussel-Lewis lead the way.
We are also proud of our Reference Librarian, Alan Kilpatrick, for being named a runner-up in the same category for his blog Library Canuck:
Legal Sourcery’s Alan Kilpatrick runs his own blog that looks at law library and access to justice issues, among many others.
Congratulations Legal Sourcery team and thank you to our readers. We have big plans for Legal Sourcery in 2016. Stayed tuned!