The information provided on this blog is to, the best of our knowledge, accurate and up-to-date as of the date of posting. However, please be aware that information can change rapidly and without notice. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented after the posting date. It is advised that readers exercise due diligence and independently verify the accuracy of information they find on this blog news feed. Here are links to the most current information available in relation to our Membership, Saskatchewan Case Law, and Saskatchewan Legislation.
By Sara Stanley, Regina Library Technician
The Millennial Lawyer: How Your Firm Can Motivate and Retain Young Associates
J.P. Box
“Millennials will become nearly half of the U.S. workforce by 2020, and firms that know how to connect with and motivate Millennials will benefit from an inspired and harmonious workforce. Drawing from exhaustive research into the Millennial generation and relying on his own experiences as an attorney, JP Box identifies common Millennial values and explores how firms can incorporate these into their culture to attract, motivate, and retain top young lawyers.”
The 2019 Annotated Divorce Act
James C. MacDonald and Ann C. Wilton
“A current, portable resource for commentary and legislation, The 2019 Annotated Divorce Act includes:
• Authoritative section-by-section commentary and analysis of the background and practical application of each section of the Act
• Clear and concise digests of all the relevant case law you need to understand the judicial application of the Act
New in this edition:
This new edition features updates to the case law and commentary annotating the provisions of the federal Divorce Act, including comprehensive revision of the following parts of the text:
• Section 4 – Jurisdiction in Corollary Relief Proceedings – Cases discussed include Tardif v. Guimont, 2015 ONSC 4193, 2015 CarswellOnt 9755 (Ont. S.C.J.)
• Section 8 – Divorce – Separate and Apart – Cases discussed include H.C.F. v. D.T.F., 2017 BCSC 1226, 2017 CarswellBC 1965 (B.C. S.C.)
• Section 16 – Corollary Relief – Custody Orders – Cases discussed include G. (H.J.) v. N. (D.M.) 2016 SKQB 297, 2016 CarswellSask 633 (Sask. Q.B.)
• Section 17 – Corollary Relief – Variation, Rescission or Suspension of Orders – Cases discussed include Gagne v. Gagne, 2011 ONCA 188, 2011 CarswellOnt 1476 (Ont. C.A.), C. (L.A.) v. W. (G.N.), 2016 CarswellBC 865, 2016 BCCA 132 (B.C. C.A.), Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa v. V. (A.), 2016 CarswellOnt 7656, 2016 ONCA 361 (Ont. C.A.)”
The 2019 Annotated Employment Insurance Act
T. Stephen Lavender
“Understanding employment insurance problems has never been easier with this new edition of your go-to reference guide.
Features include:
• Legislation – A fully up-to-date consolidation of the Employment Insurance Act and its related regulations give you access to the primary law.
• CUBs – Canadian Umpire Benefits decisions represent the front lines of unemployment insurance law. This valuable handbook reviews and digests these numerous and hard-to-find decisions in an organized and coherent manner.
• Case Law – Federal Court of Appeal decisions – Look no further than this work for annotations of all relevant Federal Court decisions that interpret and shape employment insurance legislation.
• Commentary – Knowledgeable commentary provides you with the practical analysis that you need to understand a complicated regime.
• Related Provisions – Useful cross-references to related provisions of the Act and regulations puts the legislation in context.
New in this edition
• Full commentary on changes made by the Budget Implementation Act 2017 and Budget Implementation Act 2018.
• Updated Social Security Tribunal and Federal Court of Appeal Case Law.”
The 2019 Annotated Canada Labour Code
Ronald m. Snyder
“For more than 25 years, Ronald Snyder’s Annotated Canada Labour Code has been the “bible” among federal labour practitioners. Ron’s annotations provide essential insights into the Code, and make this book the necessary resource for preparing any case before the Canada Industrial Relations Board. This 2019 Edition of the Annotated Canada Labour Code digests the new decisions that have been rendered by the CIRB, OSH Appeal Board, adjudicators, referees and the courts since the publication of last year’s Edition.
New in this edition
• 99 new case digests of decisions by the CIRB, the OSH Appeal Board, adjudicators, referees and the courts
• Updates to approximately 104 areas of the Code
New case law developments
Under Part I of the Code include:
• Delineation of the test to determine whether an employment relationship exists involving professional persons
• Board presumptions made concerning the double-majority rule applicable to accretion of bargaining unit applications
• Elucidation on the admissibility of secret recordings
Under Part II:
• Discussion of the Crown’s burden in establishing the actus reus involving s.124 breaches
• The Board’s jurisdiction to determine the validity of refusal to work actions
• The scope of the court’s flexibility in ordering s.148 conviction remedies
Under Part III:
• Elaboration of whether inspectors have exclusive jurisdiction to address hours of work and overtime issues
• Whether damages can be awarded against employers for s. 214 Code breaches in the absence of evidence of loss sustained by employees
• Clarification as to which employees are disentitled to s. 230 (notice or pay in lieu) and s. 235 (severance) compensation
• The effect of abandoning a wage-related complaint on the ability to pursue a civil action against the employer”
Environmental Law, 5th ed.
Jamie Bendickson
“While continuing to provide a comprehensive introductory guide to environmental law in Canada, this fifth edition of Environmental Law incorporates discussion of recent developments in environmental litigation and regulation alongside reference to key statutory developments from the past half decade. In addition, important updates and revisions highlight significant developments in several central areas, notably federal and provincial climate change action following the 2015 Paris Agreement and issues associated with Aboriginal consultation, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and traditional environmental knowledge. Essential developments relating to human rights and the environment at both the national and international levels have been included alongside discussion of changes in environmental valuation and compensation, liability for spills and remediation, and polluter-pays jurisprudence. Recent judicial and administrative decisions affecting environmental assessment and involving NAFTA prior to the 2018 round of Canada-US-Mexico negotiations are also covered. Chapters on toxic substances, protected areas, endangered species, and economic incentives for environmental protection also reflect current legal activity and policy proposals.”
Sources: American Bar Association, Thomson Reuters, Irwin Law