The information provided on this blog is to, the best of our knowledge, accurate and up-to-date as of the date of posting. However, please be aware that information can change rapidly and without notice. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented after the posting date. It is advised that readers exercise due diligence and independently verify the accuracy of information they find on this blog news feed. Here are links to the most current information available in relation to our Membership, Saskatchewan Case Law, and Saskatchewan Legislation.
Although we were not circulating material during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we ensured that we did not stop receiving new resources for our members. Please note that the physical library space is still closed. If you are interested in borrowing some of the following journal issues, please contact us by e-mail ([email protected]), phone (1-877-989-4999 or 306-569-8020), chat or through our online catalogue, Primo.
Commercial Insolvency Reporter
Volume 32, Number 4 (April 2020)
Alberta Court Allows Securities Commission Penalty to Survive Bankruptcy / Adrienne Wong and Gillian Broadbent
Debtor and Creditor Bring Competing CCAA and Receivership Applications, NL Court Dismisses Both / Sam Babe
National Insolvency Review
Volume 37, Number 2 (April 2020)
First Court Decision in Canada Implementing the Insolvency Provision of the Cape Town Convention / Marie-France Béland, David B, Kierans, Julie Djiezion and Rosalie Munger
Case Comment on Reid-Built / Walker MacLeod and Nathan Stewart
Journal of the Canadian College of Construction Lawyers
Black Spot or Big Chill: Consequences of J. Cote v. Burnaby / Chris Armstrong and Mike Preston
How Ontario’s Limitations Act Preserves Construction Project Claims / Sandra Astolfo
Municipal Power to Discriminate: The Impact of Shell Canada Products v. Vancouver (City) on Public Procurement / Steve Berezowskyj and Benjamin Clarke
One Person, Two Hats: – The Development of the Design Professional / Andrea Lee and Markus Rotterdam
Consolidation of Adjudications under Ontario’s New Construction Act (the “Act”) / James Little and Chris Moran
Canadian Construction Law Reform: A Survey of Recent Developments in Builders Liens, Prompt Payment, Interim Adjudication and Mandatory Construction Bonding / Michael A. Skene and Dirk Laudan
The Advocate
Volume 78, Part 3 (May 2020)
On the Front Cover: Nicole Byers, Q.C. / Valerie Dixon
Living in Self-Imposed Quarantine: Day 12 / Tony Wilson
Fault or No Fault? My Run-In with The Chief Justice / Mark Braidwood
A Man Like Greer / Hamar Foster
New Arbitration Act Introduced in British Columbia / Kenneth Glasner
A Short History of the Geneva Convention: Part II / David Roberts
The Inadequacy of the Consultation and Accommodation Model in Pipeline Cases / Michael P. Doherty
The Advocates’ Quarterly
Volume 50, Issue 4 (April 2020)
Heller v. Uber Technologies Inc.: Can Hard Cases Make Good Law? / Tamar Meshel
The Story of the Mysterious Reasonable Person: Identity Reveal in R v. Le / Anna S.P. Wong
Capacity to Instruct Counsel / Kimberly A. Whaley
Distress: A Procedural Guide / Frank Bennett
Judicial Scrutiny of Administrative Decision Making: Principled Simplification or Continuing Angst? / David Mullan
The Criminal Law Quarterly
Volume 68, Number 1 (April 2020)
Good Judgement: Three Case Studies / Robert J. Sharpe
Compassionate Adjudication / Justice Marion Cohen
Why a New Approach to Privacy Rights and Section 8 of the Chapter is Required in the Cyber Age and What Could it Look Like / George Dolhai
Taking the Cryptic out of Cryptocurrency Investigation / Jason Mitschele and Ira Glasner
The Knowledge and Beliefs of Jurors and Non-Juror Concerning Fallibility of Memory: Is this Information Common Knowledge? / Janelle Marchand, Louise Bond-Fraser and Ian Fraser
Canadian Tax Journal
Volume 68, Number 1 (2020)
The Evaluation of Job Tax Incentives: An Analysis of a Regional Tax / Alessandro Zeli
Editor’s Introduction- Taxes and Spending in Canada’s 43rd Parliament / Kevin Milligan
Tax Reform in Canada’s 43rd Parliament- Politics, Policy and Second-Best Choices / Sean Speer
Expenditures, Efficiency, and Distribution- Advice for Canada’s 43rd Parliament / Rob Gillezeau and Trevor Tombe
The Future of Work: The Gig Economy and Pressures on the Tax System / Celeste M. Black
Automation and Workers: Re-Imagining the Income Tax for the Digital Age / Jinyan Li, Arjin Choi, and Cameron Smith
Tim Edgar: The Accidental Comparatist / Kim Brooks
Moving to a More “Certain” Test for Tax Residence in Australia: Lessons for Canada? / Michael Dirks
Estates Trusts & Pensions Journal
Volume 39, Number 3 (May 2020)
The Impact of the Act Respecting the Transfer of Securities and the Establishment of Security Entitlements in Determining the Validity of a Gift Under Québec Law: A Case Comment on Labis v. Labis / Sharon G. Druker
TOSI in the Realm of Trusts and Estates / Trista Gallant
To Give or Not to Give? An Examination of Bequests in Lieu of Executor’s Compensation / Jessica Feldman Chittley
Estates and Family Law Intersect: Separation from an Incapable Spouse / Lorisa Stein and Marni M.K. Whitaker
Legal Issues Associated with Informal Public Appeals and Crowdfunding / Johanna C.C. Caithness
Health Law in Canada
Volume 40, Number 4 (May 2020)
Editorial / Simmie Palter
Data, Privacy and the Pandemic / Teresa Scassa
Disability Rights Concerns and Clinical Triage Protocol Development During the COVID-19 Pandemic / Trudo Lemmens and Roxanne Mykitiuk
National Insolvency Review
Volume 37, Number 3 (May 2020)
Bankrupt Tenants and Landlords’ Rights to Draw Upon a Letter of Credit Obtained as Security / Geneviève Fauteux
Developments in the Treatment of CCAA Post-Filing Obligations / Jeremey Opolsky and Jake Babad
National Debtor Creditor Review
Volume 35, Number 2 (June 2020)
Canada- COVID-19 Response / Robin B. Schwill
Commercial Insolvency Reporter
Volume 32, Number 5 (June 2020)
Managing and Drafting Contracts in the COVID-19 Era / Laurie Birbilas, Shannon Consedine, Clémentine Sallée and Philippe Bourassa
What are the Duties and Responsibilities of Corporate Directors During the COVID-19 Crisis? / André Vautour and André Laurin
Failing Firm is Not Enough: Competition Bureau Outlines Approach to Acquisitions of Failing Businesses / Subrata Bhattacharjee, Denes Rothschild and Rae Deulrae Min
BC Company Shareholder Meetings During the COVID-19 Pandemic- Temporary Rules Permit Virtual-Only Meetings abd Delays in Annual Meetings / Benjamin Bluman
Banking and Finance Law Review
Volume 35, Number 2 (May 2020)
Singapore’s Reformed Bank Regulation and Resolution Regimes / Christian Hofmann
Regulating Tax Havens: Insights from the WTO Appellate Body Decision In Argentina – Financial Services / Bryan Mercurio and Antoine P. Martin
The 2007/2008 Financial Crisis: A Further Reassessment of the Originate-to-Distribute Narrative / Chike Jude Emedosi
Other Perspectives on the Supreme Court’s Views on Corporate Cheque Fraud / Bradley Crawford, QC
A New Code to Protect Victims in the UK from Authorised Push Payments Fraud / John L. Taylor and Tony Galica
Can Disclosure in Canada’s Federal Financial Consumer Protection Framework Protect the Digital Consumer? / Brigitte Goulard, Peter Aziz, and Matthew Gragtmans
The New Israeli Law on Payment Services: Towards a New World of Digital Payments / Ruth Plato-Shinar
Australia’s “take” on Possession and Purchase Money Security Interest Priority under the PPSA / David Brown
Burke v. Red Barn at Mattick’s Ltd. / Shaun Langois
In the Matter of 3iQ Corp and the Bitcoin Fund / Carole E. Derk and Jacqueline Ting
Of Classes, Consumers, and Collision: The Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in Wellman v. TELUS Communications Inc. / Ewa Krajewska, Veronica Sjolin, and Neva Lyn-Kew
[Book Review] Law and Regulation of Mobile Payment Systems: Issues Arsing “Post” Financial Inclusion in Kenya; Digital Innovation in Financial Services – Legal Challenges and Regulatory Policy Issues / Benjamin Geva
[Book Review] Bankruptcy: The Case for Relief in an Economy of a Debt / Jason J. Kilborn
Queen’s Law Journal
Volume 45, Number 2 (Spring 2020)
Explaining Disqualification: An Empirical Review of Motions for the Removal of Counsel / Brooke MacKenzie
Civil Appeals in Ontario: How the Interlocutory/Final Distinction Became So Complicated and the Case for a Simple Solution? / Gerard J Kennedy
“Who Gets the Dog?”: A Family Law Approach / Jodi Lazare
Judicial Reasoning Across Legal Orders: Lessons from Nunavut / Don Couturier
Constitutional Supremacy and Judiacial Reasoning / The Honourable Bradley W Miller
[Book Review] Raficq S Abdulla & Mohamed M Keshavjee, Understanding Sharia: Islamic Law in a Globalised World / Sonia-Nurin Shah-Kazemi
The Canadian Class Action Review
Volume 15, Number 2 (2019-2020)
Linking Societal Injustice and Legalization: Potential of Canadian Class Actions in Addressing International Human Rights Violations Committed by Canadian Corporations Abroad / Terra Duchene
Class Actions, Climate Change, and the Charter: Is Success Possible in Common Law Canada? / Eliza Lynn Brown
Public Health Inquiries and the Class Action Fall-out / Barry Glaspell
L’Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal V JJ and the Growing Complexity of Quebec’s Authorization Criteria / Shaun E. Finn
If it Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix it: If You’re Not Sure, Measure Again: Strengthening the Imperfect Mechanics of Class Authorization / Patrick Visintini
Crown Immunity in Class Proceedings: The Injustice of Barring Institutional Historical Abuse Claims / Emily Leduc Gagné