The information provided on this blog is to, the best of our knowledge, accurate and up-to-date as of the date of posting. However, please be aware that information can change rapidly and without notice. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented after the posting date. It is advised that readers exercise due diligence and independently verify the accuracy of information they find on this blog news feed. Here are links to the most current information available in relation to our Membership, Saskatchewan Case Law, and Saskatchewan Legislation.
Although we were not circulating material during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we ensured that we did not stop receiving new resources for our members. Please note that the physical library space is still closed. If you are interested in borrowing some of the following journal issues, please contact us by e-mail ([email protected]), phone (1-877-989-4999 or 306-569-8020), chat or through our online catalogue, Primo.
Canadian Family Law Quarterly
Volume 39, Number 2 (June 2020)
Ontario’s Publicly Funded Family Mediation Services: Exploring What Influences Uptake / Denise Whitehead and Rachel Birnbaum
The Importance of Psychological Testing in Canadian Family Law / David Frenkel and Dr. Irwin S. Butowsky
Post-Separation Increases in Payor Income and Spousal Support / Rollie Thompson
Commonwealth Law Bulletin
Volume 45, Number 3 (September 2019)
100th Anniversary (1919-2019) / Mary Arden
100th Anniversary (1919-2019) / Michael Kirby
Maritime Transportation and the Nigerian Economy: Matters Arising / Chidi Lloyd, Emmanuel Onyeabor, Ndubuisi Nwafor, Onyedikachi Josiah Alozie, Morningglory Nwafor, Ukachuwu Mahakweabba, and Emeka Adibe
India-K Extradition Law and Practice- The Case for Reform / Paul Arnell
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and Women’s Access to Justice: Lessons for Botswana from a South African Perspective / Tshepo Mogapaesi
Safeguarding the Rule on Judicial Notice of Custom in Nigeria: Preference for Repealed Rule of Evidence / Anthony Osaro Ewere
Investigating, Prosecuting and Punishing Corruption in Commonwealth East and Southern African countries / Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi
The Imperative of Banning Male Genital Mutilation or Cutting in Nigeria: What lessons from Other Countries? / Andrew Ejovwa Abuza
Utilizing National Human Rights Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights: A Case Study of the Malawi Human Rights Commission / Mtere Mute Gondwe
Legitimacy: The State and Beyond [Book Review] / Gregory Tardi
Commonwealth Law Bulletin
Volume 45, Number 4 (December 2019)
A Review of the Legislative Reform of Customary Arbitration in Ghana / Bakhota Mawuli Koblavie and Christopher Yaw Nyinevi
Overview of Penal Response Towards Tax Compliance in Nigeria / Eti Best Herbert
The Treatment of Chinese Customary Law in British Colonial Hong Kong / Gary Lilienthal, Wang Shi Qi and Nehaluddin Ahmad
The Subject of Sub Judice: An Analysis of the sub judice rule in Uganda / Rukundo Solomon
Promoting a More Efficient Corporate Governance in Nigeria through the Law / Uchechukwu Nwoke, Comfort Obiageri Ukaoma, and Onyedikachi Joseph Alozie
Electronic Taxation and Cybercrimes in Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa: Lessons from Europe and the United States of America / Felix E. Eboibi and Newman U. Richards
The CCJ Decolonizing Caribbean Constitutionalism / Gabrielle Elliott-Williams
Limitation of Presidential Terms in Zambia: Annotating the Judicial Interpretation / Christopher Phiri
Cryptocurrencies in Public and Private Law [Book Review] / Emmanuel Opoku Awuku
The Criminal Law Quarterly
Volume 68, Number 2 (June 2020)
Propensities for Guilt and the Canadian Criminal Jury: Jury Eligible Participant Studies Across Three Charging Scenarios and Three Fact Patterns / Dr. Richard Jochelson, Dr. Michelle Bertrand, David Ireland, Dr. Amy S. Desroches and Kathleen Kerr-Donohue
The Canadian NCRMD Regime: Disconnect Between the Theoretical and the Practical / Jocelyn Remple
Cannabis and Driving: The Provincial and Territorial Legislative Mosaic / R. Solomon, A. Sohrevardi, E. Dumschat and L. MacLeod
Criminal Then and Now: A Note on Section 156 of the Criminal Code / Hamish Stewart
Prosecutorial Discretion is a Shield Not a Sword / Kumaralingam Amirthalingam
Canadian Business Law Journal
Volume 63, Number 2 (June 2020)
Peering into the Black Box: Unpublished Refused Discharge Orders in Consumer Bankruptcies in Montréal, Québec and Toronto / Zofia Rogowska
Liability of Corporate Officers in Intellectual Property Law / Norman Siebrasse
The Uncertain Consequences of waiving Consequential Damages / John F. Clifford, Charlotte Conlin, and Graham Bevans
A Landmark Case on the Canadian Free Trade Agreement: Alberta-Beer Mark-ups / Ryan Manucha and Ben Grant
Board Gender Diversity: Debate and Practice / Lawrence A. Cunningham
The Advocate
Volume 78, Part 4 (July 2020)
On the Front Cover: The Honourable Chief Judge Melissa Gillespie / Catherine Fedder and Judge Ann Rounthwaite (Retired)
May 10, 1940: The Hinge of Fate / D. Barry Kirkham, Q.C.
Compassion in the Time of COVID-19 / Elisabeth A. Sadowski
A Home for the Bench & Bar Not to Be Taken for Granted / Adam Howden-Duke
Will or Will Not: Practice Implications of Section 58 of the Wills, Estates and Succession Act– Part I: What Is a Testamentary Document Anyway? / Jennifer Bednard
A Dog’s Life / Allan Hope, Q.C.
Use Immunity for Disease Surveillance: Toward a Cure for the Orwellian Pandemic / Joven Narwal
McGill Law Journal
Volume 64, Number 2 (December 2018)
Le droit à l’égalité et l’accès aux professions réglementées : bilan contrasté de la jurisprudence canadienne / Frédérick Doucet et Geneviève St-Laurent
Property Law and Collective Self-Government / Malcolm Lavoie
Judicial Audiences: A Case Study of Justice David Watt’s Literary Judgments / Elaine Craig
Who’s Afraid of the Lucky Moose? Canada’s Dangerous Self-Defence Innovation / Noah Weisbord
Canadian Tax Journal
Volume 68, Number 2 (2020)
The Death of the Tariff: A Review of the Tax Court’s Discretionary Approach to Costs Awards / Derrick Hosanna and Erica Hennessey
Unresolved Controversies in Suing for Negligence of Tax Officials: Canadian and Australasian Insights and a Primer for Policy Maker’s Consideration / John Bevacqua
Editors’ Introduction- Election Platform Costing by the Parliamentary Budget Officer / Alan Macnaughton and Kevin Milligan
Assessing Party Platforms for Fiscal Credibility in the 2019 Federal Election / Mostafa Askari and Kevin Page
Independent Platform Costing- Balancing the Interests of the Public and the Parties / Scott Cameron
Public Costing of Party Platforms- Learning from International Experience / Jennifer Robson and Mark Jarvis
A Tax Policy Legacy: Tim Edgar’s Contributions to Tax Scholarship and Tax Legislation / Richard Krever
GAAR in Action: An Empirical Study of Transaction Types and Judicial Attributes in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand / Thaddeus Hwong and Jinyan Li
General Anti-Avoidance Rules Revisited: Reflections on Tim Edgar’s “Building a Better GAAR” / David G. Duff
Ahead by a Century: Tim Edgar, Machine-Learning, and the Future of Anti-Avoidance / Benjamin Alarie
Current Cases: (FCA) Canada v. Alta Energy Luxembourg SARL; (FCA) Louie v. Canada; (FCA) Markou v. Canada / Ryan Walker, Maressa Singh, and Lauzanne Bernard Normand
Personal Tax Planning / Planification fiscal personnelle: Pack Your Suitcase! The Baggage of Canada’s Departure Tax/ Faites votre valise! Le bagage de l’impôt de départ du Canada / Sonia Gandhi, Megan Dalton, and Yooham Jung
Selected US Tax Developments: The Unbearable Absurdity of the US Tax Rules for Withholding on Dispositions of Partnership Interests / Michael J. Miller
Current Tax Reading / Robin Boadway and Kim Brooks
Estates, Trusts & Pensions Journal
Volume 39, Number 4 (August 2020)
It has been Over 150 Years Since the First Partnership Act was Enacted. Do We Understand Yet the Nature of a Partnership Interest? The High Court of Australia Weighs in on the Debate / Joel Nitikman
“Not a Case about a Mere Referral”: Reflections on Salomon v. Matte-Thompson / Lauren Flam
Another Cautionary Tale for Executors: case Comment on Muth Estate / Rhonda M. Johnson
Equality, Equity, and Exclusion: The Effects of the Jackson Estate Decision on Common Law Partners / Richard Niedermayer and Madeleine Coats
Digital Assets, Cryptocurrencies and Estate Planning / Aaron Grinhaus, Amanda Rosenstock and Raluca Soica
Pension Plan Death benefits and the Spousal “Super-Priority”: Who Get What, and When? / Ari Kaplan
Section 58- The “Curative” Provision of the Wills, Estates and Succession Act / Scott Boucher
Health Law in Canada
Volume 41, Number 1 (August 2020)
Editorial / Simmie Palter
Of Movement and Medicine: A Comparative Analysis of Cross-Border Health Care Coverage under Public Health Care Systems in Canada and in Countries Within the European Union / Ellen Xu
A Comparative Case for Maintaining the Non-Medical Exemptions for Vaccinations in Ontario / Jaime Cardy
Commercial Insolvency Reporter
Volume 32, Number 6 (August 2020)
Can Insolvent Business Survive After the COVID-19 Pandemic? Some Common Questions & Issues / Salman Bhura
Bluberi: Key Canadian Insolvency Ruling Affirms Litigation Funding as a Tool for Insolvent Debtors and Supports Judicial Discretion in CCAA Proceedings / Joseph Reynaud, Nathalie Nouvet and Patrick Corney
Environmental Liabilities Open the Door to Partial Termination of Agreements During Insolvency / Kenneth T. Lenz Q.C. and Keely Cameron
The Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance Program: An Overview / C. Mario Paura and Scott Brasil
Dalhousie Law Journal
Volume 43, Number 1 (Spring 2020)
Treaty Shopping and the New Multilateral Tax Agreement- Is it Business as Usual in Canada? / Catherine Anne Brown and Joseph Bogle
Intervenors at the Supreme Court of Canada / Geoffrey D. Callaghan
An Examination of How the Canadian Military’s Legal System Responds to Sexual Assault / Elaine Craig
Committing to Justice: The Case for Impact of Race and Culture Assessments in Sentencing African Canadian Offenders / Maria C. Dugas
Popping the Question: What the Questionnaire for Federal Judicial Appointments Reveals about the Pursuit of Justice / Agathon Fric
Searching for a Summary Judgment Equivalent in Quebec Procedural Law / Kathleen Hammond
Providing for Victim Redress within the Legislation Scheme for Tracking Foreign Corruption / Joanna Harrington
The Opioid Crisis as Health Crisis, Not Criminal Crisis: Implications for the Criminal Justice System / Haley Hrymak
A Less Private Practice: Government Lawyers and Legal Ethics / Jennifer Leitch
The Implications of Federalism for the Regulation of Federal Government Lawyers / Andrew Flavelle Martin
A Leap of Faith: TWAIL Meets Caribbean Queer Rights Jurisprudence- Intersections with International Human Rights Law / H. Patrick Wells
The Bad, the Ugly, and the Horrible: what I Learned about Humanity by Doing Prison Research / Adelina Iftene