The information provided on this blog is to, the best of our knowledge, accurate and up-to-date as of the date of posting. However, please be aware that information can change rapidly and without notice. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented after the posting date. It is advised that readers exercise due diligence and independently verify the accuracy of information they find on this blog news feed. Here are links to the most current information available in relation to our Membership, Saskatchewan Case Law, and Saskatchewan Legislation.
Commercial Insolvency Reporter
Volume 35, Number 1 (October 2022)
Bankruptcy Doesn’t Invalidate Existing Contracts, BCSC Rules / William E.J. Skelly, Arooj Shah, and Dana Nowak
Entitlement to Production Revenues Between the Effective Date and Closing in Insolvency Vesting Orders / Keely Cameron, Adam J. Williams, and Chris D. Simard
National Insolvency Review
Volume 39, Number 5 (October 2022)
Golden Oaks and the New Golden Rule of Corporate Attribution / Jeremy Opolsky, Craig Gilchrist, and Mike Noel
The Interplay Between Benefits Under a Trust and Bankruptcy: A Beneficiary Cannot Shield its Obligations to Creditors by Hiding Behind The Terms of a Trust / Daniel Waldman
McGill Law Journal
Volume 66, Number 4 (June 2021)
Quebec Talks Back : Nouvelles pratiques linguistiques à la Cour d’appel du Québec / Mireille Fournier
Locating the People: An Exploration of Non-Resident Enfranchisement and Political Belonging in Frank v. Canada (Attorney General) / Sarah Burton
Remuer ciel et terre : la dignité et l’autonomie après la mort au regard de l’exhumantion / Michaël Lessard
Keeping It Private: The Impossibility of Abandoning Ownership and the Horror Vacui of the Common Law of Property / Konstanze von Schütz
McGill Law Journal
Volume 67, Number 1 (September 2021)
Why De Minimis is a Defence: A Reply to Professor Coughlan / Colton Fehr
L’extinction des droit ancestraux des non-signataires de la Convention de la Baie-James : le test de la condition 14 / Ghislain Otis
Expressive Voting and Irrational Outcomes in Corporate Elections / Bryce Tingle
Health Law in Canada
Volume 43, Number 2 (November 2022)
Editorial / Simmie Palter
“Be CAREFUL Out There” – Common Pitfalls in Assessing Capacity / Anita Szigeti, Dr. Ruby Dhand, Maya Kotob, Tanner Blomme, and Humma Wasim
The Advocate
Volume 80, Part 6 (November 2022)
On the Front Cover: Aleem Bharmal, K.C. / Louisa Winn, K.C. and Tina Parbhakar
Haldane / Christopher Harvey, Q.C.
Ontario Court of Appeal Denies Preconception Medical Duties to Future Children: Why British Columbia Should Not Follow Ontario’s Lead / Aminollah Sabzevari
The Canadian Legal Genealogy of Terra Nullius – Sub Nom.: Is It Too Late to Send Terra Nullius Back to Australia (and Would They Even Take It)? Part II / Sarah Pike
Got Privilege? Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know / David Wotherspoon and Alim Khamis
Conscious of the Good Conscience Trust: Further Thoughts on the Constructive Trust in Wills Variation Claims / Mark Weintraub and Polly Storey
Canadian Criminal Law Review
Volume 26, Number 3 (November 2022)
Scarping in Cyberspace: Police Entrapment in the Virtual World / Matthew Zaia
Defending the Castle: Search Incident to Arrest after R. v. Stairs / Colton Fehr
Le châtiment corporel des enfants : l’article 43 n’a plus sa place en droit canadien / Maya-Chahinez Oultache
Le création d’un tribunal spécialisé en matière de violences sexuelles et de violence conjugale au Québec : vers une meilleure justice? / Anne-Marie Boisvert
It would be awesome if these posts linked to the journals so we could easily access them!
Thank you for the suggestion, Estelle. Some of these articles are not available online immediately, and some are not available online at all. All of them, however, are available in physical format from the Regina library. If you would like to borrow an issue, please feel free to contact the library at [email protected] or myself directly at [email protected]. If you are not located in Regina, that’s not a problem- we will make sure you get that article.