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From the Family Law Information Centre
The Family Law Information Centre is looking for lawyers and articling students to volunteer at family law help sessions in Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Meadow Lake, and Moose Jaw.
Volunteering is a great opportunity to improve communication and interpersonal skills, keep current on legal issues impacting families, and help improve access to justice in Saskatchewan.
Volunteers assist help session attendees by:
Volunteers do not provide legal advice. Attendees seeking legal advice are encouraged to consult a lawyer outside of our (information-only) help sessions. Attendees are screened upon arrival at the session to help prevent conflicts of interest.
In September, the FLIC will be offering free, online family law training for volunteers. The training is approximately seven hours long and covers the basics of family law and procedure. Anyone interested in volunteering is welcome to attend.
The schedules for upcoming help sessions are available here. (link:
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Rolande Wright at [email protected].