The information provided on this blog is to, the best of our knowledge, accurate and up-to-date as of the date of posting. However, please be aware that information can change rapidly and without notice. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented after the posting date. It is advised that readers exercise due diligence and independently verify the accuracy of information they find on this blog news feed. Here are links to the most current information available in relation to our Membership, Saskatchewan Case Law, and Saskatchewan Legislation.
The Law Society of Saskatchewan has two staffed Legal Resources library locations (in Regina and Saskatoon) that are full of conveniently requestable legal resources. In addition to requesting items by e-mail and phone, you can also request items from Regina and Saskatoon directly through our online catalogue, Primo.
The first step in making a request is to sign into your Primo account in the upper right corner of the page, using the same username and password used for the Members Resource section of the Law Society website. Once this is done, and a search has been completed, the record of the item that you are interested in will contain a Get it section. This will include the location, call number, and availability of the item. If you would like to request it, click the blue location and call number link. Two options will then be displayed on the right side of the section: Request and Digitization.
The Request option is used to check out the physical book, report, or journal issue. We will retrieve the item, sign it out for you, and place it on the hold cart at the Legal Resources library in which it is located. Once it is on the hold cart, we will e-mail you to inform you that you may pick it up. If the request cannot be completed for any reason, we will also contact you. Items that are currently loaned out to other members can be requested but will not be available immediately- they will be recalled and placed on hold for you upon their return. Members outside of the item’s location can inquire about delivery in the Comment field- we will then contact you to work out the details.
The Digitization option involves Legal Resources staff scanning and e-mailing a portion of a publication to the member. Due to copyright law and time restrictions, we are unable to scan and send a significant portion of a book, report, or journal issue. To specify which small portion you would like to be digitized, you can type in the name of the article, section, or chapter in a field titled Part to Digitize. We recommend reading the table of contents (located under Details) to help narrow down what part you require. If you would like more detail than what the table of contents in the record contains, you may write “table of contents” or “TOC” in the Part to Digitize field, and we will scan and send the table of contents from the book. There is a document delivery charge starting at $5 for digitization, but we generally do not charge this for the table of contents.
Although we are usually quick to complete requests, we ask that you please allow us up to 24 hours. Requests made after hours, over the weekend, or over the holidays are completed once the Legal Resources staff return.