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To celebrate Access to Justice Week, each day of the week Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan (PBLS) is sharing stories from our volunteers. All the volunteers featured this week are in-house counsel or work for the government. PBLS volunteers directly support low-income people in Saskatchewan who would otherwise not be able to access a lawyer. Sandra Bobyk, Senior Crown Counsel, Public...
Read More +The third annual National Access to Justice Week takes place from October 24 to 28, 2022. Every year, legal practitioners and stakeholders in the justice system gather to explore and review ways systems and individuals can improve access to justice. This year’s theme focuses on how we can use data to support people-centered access to legal services. See a list of activities...
Read More +This talk presents the results of an Access-to-Justice legal needs assessment of Two Spirit, trans, non-binary and gender nonconforming (2STNBGN) people conducted by JusticeTrans across the lands colonially known as Canada. This presentation will focus on how discrimination and harassment cuts across other legal issues, including those related to employment, housing, migration, and medical treatment. Through a series of participant...
Read More +By The Hon. Thomas Cromwell Chair, Action Committee of Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters Honourary Fellow, CREATE Justice This time last year I was in Saskatoon during Access to Justice Week, celebrating the launch of CREATE Justice. On its first anniversary, I congratulate everyone on taking this meaningful steps towards understanding and acting on the A2J crisis...
Read More +By Brea Lowenberger Access To Justice Coordinator & Director of CREATE Justice, University of Saskatchewan, College of Law Justice Minister and Attorney General Don Morgan has proclaimed October 16-21, 2017 as Saskatchewan Access to Justice Week. There are a range of opportunities for the public, lawyers and law faculty, members from other disciplines, and law students to participate during the...
Read More +By Brea Lowenberger Access To Justice Coordinator, University of Saskatchewan, College of Law The Second Annual Saskatchewan Access to Justice Week is October 16-21, 2017. The establishment of the Saskatchewan Access to Justice Week is a spinoff of the “Putting the Public First” topic that was addressed by participants at the 2016 meeting of the Dean’s Forum on Access to Justice and Dispute...
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