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By Michael Marschal, Managing Editor of the Saskatchewan Law Review
On Tuesday, October 23, 2018, Orlando Da Silva delivered the 21st Annual Saskatchewan Law Review Lecture during the 3rd Annual Saskatchewan Access to Justice Week. Mr. Da Silva is a Senior Crown Council with the Serious Fraud Office of the Prosecution Division of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General. Mr. Da Silva spoke to the College of Law about his experience with mental illness before and throughout his legal career. Mr. Da Silva’s comments were an insightful and powerful call to action to end the stigma surrounding mental illness in the legal profession, encouraging those struggling in silence to come forward and seek the help they need. The example Mr. Da Silva sets is inspiring, demonstrating that seeking help for a mental illness does not have to mean sacrificing the career you have spent a lifetime pursuing. The Saskatchewan Law Review and the College of Law as a whole is grateful for Mr. Da Silva’s courage in sharing his story.