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By Sarah Sutherland
We are pleased to announce that annual statutes for the Province of Alberta, from 1906 to present, are now available on CanLII. We are grateful for funding from the Alberta Law Foundation, which made this project possible.
We would also like to thank the Alberta Queen’s Printer for giving us access to the electronic files that previously were only available from QP Source Professional, and Alberta Law Libraries who graciously gave us print copies of the print volumes for older materials so they could be scanned. We are happy to have been able to collaborate on increasing public access to these documents that were previously only available in print or by paid subscription.
This latest digitization project builds on similar initiatives on to increase access to important troves of legal history and decision-making. The Saskatchewan annual statutes dating to 1978 were scanned and added to CanLII last year with funding from the Saskatchewan Law Foundation. Last year we also added the New Brunswick annual statutes back to 2000 with funding from the New Brunswick Law Foundation, with more coming. These joined the Federal annual statutes to 2001 and Quebec annual statutes to 1996, which were added in 2016 with funding from CAIJ.
Annual statutes – laws as passed by Canada’s parliamentary bodies – are an important addition to CanLII’s primary law collections. Without access to these documents, it can be difficult to navigate legislation over time.
We are thankful for the support of law foundations and CAIJ in bringing these documents in a research-friendly format to CanLII users.
Having the annual statutes on CanLII allows users to find these documents where they are looking already and to link between the statutes and other legal information on CanLII, including cases, consolidated statutes, regulations, and commentary. This enriches the value and possible uses of these documents to researchers.