The information provided on this blog is to, the best of our knowledge, accurate and up-to-date as of the date of posting. However, please be aware that information can change rapidly and without notice. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented after the posting date. It is advised that readers exercise due diligence and independently verify the accuracy of information they find on this blog news feed. Here are links to the most current information available in relation to our Membership, Saskatchewan Case Law, and Saskatchewan Legislation.
Over the past number of months, our team has been updating our website as part of our commitment to be more user-friendly, expand communication, and better meet information needs of our members and the public. We are excited to announce the launch of the improved Law Society website.
Some items to note:
We hope the improvements to the new site structure and functionality provide you with the information you are looking for, in the shortest amount of time. However, as with any major revamp, your patience is appreciated. We encourage feedback so we can quickly fine tune throughout the transition process. If you spot any concerns after the launch, please don’t hesitate to let us know at [email protected].