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The Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA) invites all Law Society members, practitioners, and other members of our Saskatchewan communities to consider joining PLEA’s Board of Directors.
The Board is a volunteer policy board, meeting quarterly in Saskatoon and via teleconferencing if convenient.
Funded in large part by the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan, PLEA has been in existence since 1980 to educate and inform the people of Saskatchewan about the law and the legal system, with programming for the general public as well as for school communities.
Becoming a member of the PLEA Board is an excellent opportunity to support one’s community and contribute towards enhancing access to justice for citizens throughout the province.
If you are interested in becoming a member of PLEA’s Board, please contact us at [email protected] or telephone 306.653.1868 for further information. PLEA’s website may be viewed at
In particular, we welcome hearing from members of local Saskatchewan Bar Associations as we aim for wider geographical representation on the Board.