The information provided on this blog is to, the best of our knowledge, accurate and up-to-date as of the date of posting. However, please be aware that information can change rapidly and without notice. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented after the posting date. It is advised that readers exercise due diligence and independently verify the accuracy of information they find on this blog news feed. Here are links to the most current information available in relation to our Membership, Saskatchewan Case Law, and Saskatchewan Legislation.
As most of you are aware, the Government of Saskatchewan passed amendments to family law legislation to require parties to a family law court application to participate in some form of EDR, at the close of pleadings, if they have not already done so prior to initiating the court application. The new requirement came into effect in the judicial centre of Prince Albert on January 1, 2020, and continues to be in effect. COVID-19 restrictions have affected the court’s capacity to hear non-urgent court applications, so parties may be especially interested in using mediation, collaborative law, parenting coordination or family arbitration to resolve disputes right now. Many of these practitioners offer on-line/virtual services. Click here for an up-to-date list of service providers, go to and