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By Sara Stanley
Lindley & Banks on Partnership, 20th Ed. – Roderick I’Anson Banks
“Lindley & Banks on Partnership gives you comprehensive, authoritative and practical coverage of the law relating to both general and limited partnerships. This seminal text on partnerships, first published in 1860, gives you detailed commentary on all aspects of the life of a partnership, from its nature and formation to the usual contents of a partnership agreement and common areas of dispute, the liabilities undertaken by partners both internally and externally and, finally, to dissolution, winding up and insolvency. It also explains how partnerships are taxed. The twentieth edition covers all legal changes since the last edition, with reference to UK and Commonwealth authorities where relevant.”
Kerr & Hunter on Receivers and Administrators, 20th Ed. – Pete Walton, Thomas Robinson, Sarah Mann, and David Montague
“First published in 1869, Kerr & Hunter on Receivers and Administrators is acknowledged as the classic text on the law of receivers and administrators as it applies to both corporate and personal insolvency, and is frequently cited in court. It guides practitioners through all matters relating to administrators and receivers – when/how/why they are appointed, and the various situations in which they are deployed. The work has been updated to incorporate all legislative and case law developments since the previous edition.”
Williams, Mortimer & Sunnucks – Executors, Administrators and Probate, 21st Ed. – John Ross Martyn and Nicholas Caddick
“Williams, Mortimer and Sunnucks provides in-depth guidance to the law of probate and the administration of estates after death. It is considered in the market to be one of the leading authorities on the subject offering an in-depth analysis of the law and how it applies in practice.
This title offers solutions to the most complex problems through authoritative analysis of the law and how it has been applied by the courts. It covers the grant of probate and of administration, non-contentious and contentious practice, devolution and liability, and the administration and distribution of assets, so that you are up to date on every aspect of the process of probate.
The authors also explain the implications of case law developments, including important decisions on testamentary capacity, knowledge and approval, undue influence, due execution, and costs.”
Principles of Property Law, 7th Ed. – Bruce Ziff
“Designed to provide an introduction to the fundamentals of the law of property in Canada, this publication reflects the diverse and changing face of property law.
This book lays the foundation for property-related areas, including real estate conveyancing and land registration, landlord and tenant law, estate planning and succession, trusts, equity and restitution, Aboriginal rights, bailments, and mortgage remedies.”
Collective Agreement Arbitration in Canada, 6th Ed. – Ronald M. Snyder
“This seminal treatise continues to be hailed as both “important” and a “leading text” to address workplace issues in the unionized context, providing unparalleled analysis on all major collective agreement concerns and policy. This book has been the stable reference guide for a generation of labour lawyers, human resource professionals and unions looking to find out – quickly and conveniently – what is the law on a specific labour issue, and the leading cases that support it.”
A Guide to the Youth Criminal Justice Act, 2019 Ed. – Lee Tustin and Robert E. Lutes
“This concise guide to the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) provides an overview of the youth criminal justice system in Canada, section-by-section commentary on legal and operational implications, and captures key recent developments. A must-have for anyone dealing with young persons and who needs to understand how the YCJA is implemented.”
Youth and the Criminal Law in Canada, 2nd Ed. – Sherri Davis-Barron
“This book addresses practical problems faced daily by prosecutors, defence lawyers, police officers and judges who are dealing with youth justice cases. Every step of the criminal process involving young persons is addressed, including pretrial proceedings, legal representation, release pending trial and sentencing. It provides an historical overview of the development of youth justice law in Canada, from the earliest legal codes to the present day Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA).
The new edition has extensive revisions to account for all major developments in the legislation and case law since 2009. With this thoroughly updated, meticulously researched and expanded second edition, Youth and the Criminal Law in Canada cements its place as the classic legal textbook on youth criminal law in Canada and the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Written by a federal advisory Crown and university law lecturer for law professors, law students and legal practitioners, no other legal textbook in Canada covers this niche area of the criminal law more comprehensively.”
Sources: LexisNexis, Sweet & Maxwell, Thomson Reuters