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By Pierre E. Hawkins, PBLS Programs Director & Staff Lawyer
On Saturday, January 22, Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan hosted the first annual Pro Bono Rocks Funspeil at the Callie Curling Club. Sixteen teams of all skill levels competed fiercely for the coveted Pro Bono Cup. In the end, a tremendous group of curlers from Nychuk & Company came out on top.
This event gave us the opportunity to recognize one of our longest serving volunteers, Jeffrey Norwig of McDougall Gauley LLP. Jeff was presented with the Victor P. Dietz, Q.C. Pro Bono Service Award, honouring the contributions of a volunteer who shows outstanding dedication to the provision of pro bono services in Saskatchewan.
For the last decade, Jeff has provided PBLS clients with advice and assistance in wills and estates matters. He has helped hundreds of clients to plan for the future or to guide their families through some of life’s most difficult moments. Jeff’s work has had a significant impact on the lives of many clients who would not ordinarily have access to legal services. His hard work and commitment have made a notable difference in the lives of people who need it most.
This year’s group of nominees showcased some of the incredible work being done by PBLS volunteers. Stephanie Dobson of Meridian Law Group, co-founder of the Lloydminster Free Legal Clinic, was nominated by the junior lawyers that she has mentored and encouraged to give back to their community through pro bono work. Nicholas Cann, Q.C. of McKercher LLP has been with the Regina Free Legal Clinic since its inception, helping hundreds of clients to navigate a complex and stressful litigation sphere. Kara Moen and Thomas Hynes of Gerrand Rath Johnson LLP, as well as Daniel Leblanc of Nordal Leblanc, have fought tirelessly to promote the rule of law behind prison walls.
These volunteers provide invaluable service to those in need and project an image to the public of a profession that cares. We relish the opportunity to highlight their work and we thank them for their service and dedication.
We also take the opportunity to thank the many law firms and community sponsored who participated, donated, and supported PBLS in putting on its first annual funspeil. The Law Society of Saskatchewan and the Canadian Bar Association deserve special thanks for sponsoring the event. We are grateful for the incredible community support that we have been shown.