The information provided on this blog is to, the best of our knowledge, accurate and up-to-date as of the date of posting. However, please be aware that information can change rapidly and without notice. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented after the posting date. It is advised that readers exercise due diligence and independently verify the accuracy of information they find on this blog news feed. Here are links to the most current information available in relation to our Membership, Saskatchewan Case Law, and Saskatchewan Legislation.
NEW! Webinar: Ethical Issues for In-House Counsel
Thursday November 15, 2018 – Noon to 1pm
The Ethical issues faced by In-House Counsel are unique in a number of ways, and as such warrant specific consideration, separate from the typical ethical issues that may arise in the private practice arena. This webinar will discuss these unique challenges from the perspective of an In-House counsel lawyer with a multinational company, Angela Giroux, and the Law Society’s Acting Director of Complaints, Valerie Payne.
The session will primarily address three areas in which ethical issues may arise:
Valerie Payne has been with the Complaints department of the Law Society since 2012, first as Complaints Counsel and more recently also as Acting Director of Complaints. Angela Giroux has been with Nutrien, previously PotashCorp, since 2013, in the roles of Compliance and Ethics counsel and Labour and Employment Counsel.
Qualifies for 1 CPD Hour, which also qualifies as Ethics
To register follow this link: Ethical Issues for In-House Counsel
Seminar: Family Law – Through The Eyes of The Child
Tuesday November 20, 2018 – Saskatoon (TCU Place)
Wednesday November 21, 2018 – Regina (Delta Hotel)
This important session has been conceived of by a group of family law practitioners and judges with the express purpose of aiding lawyers in navigating the murky waters of high conflict parental separation and disputes. It seeks to offer a basic understanding of the pathologies underpinning these often-fraught situations and some remedies for ensuring the best interests of the children are always kept in the forefront of proceedings.
We are delighted to be welcoming a renowned Clinical Psychologist to present alongside a group of local experts who will discuss the resources available to lawyers here in Saskatchewan, before we complete the day with an accomplished panel offering a practical presentation on how to recognise when court is necessary and to prepare accordingly.
We encourage all Family Law practitioners to join us for this highly informative and important day of CPD!
Qualifies for 5.5 CPD Hours, all of which qualify as Ethics (correction from previously indicated allocation).
For additional information and to register, click here: Through The Eyes of The Child
Free Webinar: Providing Pro Bono Services in Saskatchewan – How I can Help?
Thursday November 22, 2018 – noon to 1pm
This webinar is being offered free of charge.
Lawyers have the privilege to be experts in the rule of law and provide quality and effective legal services in order to solve client’s problems on a daily basis. With that privilege, comes an acknowledgement that not all members of the public are able to access private counsel services due to their socio-economic status. As we all know, there are many opportunities to take on pro bono files, but there may be questions about the logistics of taking on a file. Do I have to do a conflict check? Am I insured when taking on a pro bono file? What makes a file qualify for “pro bono”? This pro bono webinar will discuss the Code of Conduct rules for providing pro bono services and answers questions regarding conflict checks, insurance coverage, and what are the available pro bono opportunities in Saskatchewan.
This webinar will be presented by Carly Romanow, Executive Director of Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan and Kara-Dawn Jordan, Policy Counsel with the Law Society of Saskatchewan.
Qualifies for 1 CPD Hour, which also qualifies as Ethics