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From Humane Canada
On November 24 – 25th, 2022, the National Centre for the Prosecution of Animal Cruelty (NCPAC) will host its eighth annual Prosecution of Animal Abuse Conference online. This conference will provide networking and professional development opportunities for Crown prosecutors, attorneys, and allied professionals across Canada.
The session’s experts Sophie Gaillard, Acting Executive Director and Director of Animal Advocacy and Legal Affairs at the Montreal SPCA, Co-Director of the Centre for Forensic Research and Forensic Entomologist Dr. Gail S. Anderson, and Phil Bogdanoff, attorney and nationally recognized continuing legal education speaker, will share information and resources about animal cruelty and the Violence Link.
Crown Prosecutors, attorneys, and allied professionals from the country are invited to enjoy professional development opportunities while learning from industry experts and professionals during interactive presentations. Many sessions will be eligible for substantive credit hours toward the Continuing Professional Development requirement, which vary by provincial law societies.
Prosecutors and students currently articling in Crown/Prosecution offices and Allied professionals, such as lawyers interested in prosecuting animal abuse-related crimes, all qualify for registration at $30 CAD (plus administrative fees). Registration is now available here: 2022 Prosecution of Animal Abuse Conference Tickets, Thu, 24 Nov 2022 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite
One of the pillars of Humane Canada’s work is advocating for amendments to federal, provincial, and municipal legislation that will protect animals from cruelty and provide a legal framework to ensure that all animals are treated humanely and with respect. This work is accomplished through National Centre for the Prosecution of Animal Cruelty (NCPAC) activities.