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By Jakaeden Frizzell, CPD Program Coordinator
On Tuesday March 12, the Law Society will be hosting a lunchtime webinar for our members covering the topic of class actions. The webinar will qualify for 1.0 CPD hour.
Meant to be an introductory presentation, the webinar will include a brief history of class actions in Saskatchewan, how they work and how they have been used to date in the province. The speakers will address some of the key procedural considerations that differentiate class actions from regular actions and the steps to consider before commencing a potential class action. The webinar will be presented by Joanne Colledge-Miller (MLT Aikins), who is experienced in the area of class actions defense, and Jason Mohrbutter (MLT Aikins), recognized as one of the Best Lawyers in Canada in class actions litigation. Participants will be able to ask questions throughout the presentation.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn about class actions! Register here: An Introduction to Class Actions