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By Melanie Hodges Neufeld
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission – Implications for the Legal Profession
Thursday April 26, 2018 – Saskatoon (Delta Bessborough Hotel)
In a continuation of the Law Society’s efforts to address the TRC Calls to Action, the focus of this year’s CPD Presentation at the Annual General Meeting will be the implications of the TRC recommendations for the legal profession. Our panel of Professor Larry Chartrand, Former Judge Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, and Leanne Bellegarde, Q.C. will each approach this question from their unique viewpoints.
At the conclusion of the discussion, cocktails will commence allowing time for networking with panel members, colleagues, and members of the Bar. Dinner will be served shortly thereafter, and the business matters and awards presentations will conclude the evening. The Law Society’s 2017 Annual Report and Financial Statements are available on our website. SLIA’s Financial Statements are also available.
Qualifies for 2 CPD Hours, which also qualify for Ethics.
Additional information and registration details can be found here: AGM 2018