You may be acting as a Presenter or as a Panel Moderator and you may be speaking to a live audience, either in person or virtually, or your presentation may be recorded for OnDemand viewing. In any case, here are some of our top tips for delivering a dynamic presentation and building rapport with your audience.
Express yourself!
Voice: Enunciate and project with enthusiasm.
Cadence: Use vocal inflections and pacing.
Confidence: Don’t undermine your credibility.
Body Language: Use gestures and good posture.
Spontaneity: Adlib when necessary.
Humour: Be welcoming and friendly.
Honesty: Be candid and relatable.
Respect: Speak with passion for your subject.
Energy: Avoid reading your slides and paper.
Timing: Use a clock or your phone to keep track. Remember to turn your phone to silent!