To quote Sir Winston Churchill “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
Join tribunal members and staff from across Canada in a free webinar to learn best practices for virtual hearings. The requirements of social distancing have accelerated the use of technology as an alternative to holding in person hearings. What are the important points to maintain decorum in the hearing? As an advocate or a board member are there any changes to your ethical obligations? Learn practical tips for setting up and conducting a hearing using video conferencing. The virtual hearing will likely develop into one of the procedural alternatives at the disposal of an administrative decision maker. Having the flexibility and confidence to hold virtual hearings will give tribunals another way to offer cost effective and timely resolution of disputes. Participants will receive resource materials.
Presented by Adrian Wright and Carol Zukiwski
Attendance to this Webinar may count for 1 CPD Credit. Registration Deadline: February 17th, 2021.