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Fraser Duncan, J.D. Candidate (University of Saskatchewan) On May 9, 2018, a member of the public complained to the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner (“IPC”) about the use by two individuals in the Saskatchewan New Democratic Party (“NDP”) of the federal NDP’s online voter database, Populus.1 An earlier internal investigation by the Saskatchewan NDP found that one party volunteer had...
Read More +Shay Brehm, JD Candidate (Saskatchewan) I. INTRODUCTION In its recent decision of Chagnon v Syndicat de la fonction publique et parapublique du Québec,1 the Supreme Court of Canada dealt with whether parliamentary privilege protects legislatures from claims of unjust dismissal. The claim arose after the National Assembly of Québec dismissed three security guards for using cameras on the exterior of...
Read More +By Michael Marschal, JD Candidate (University of Saskatchewan) This comment explores R. v. Comeau. Although the Supreme Court of Canada’s articulation of the law regarding s. 121 of the Constitution Act, 1867 was persuasive, well-reasoned, and consistent with modern federalism jurisprudence, its application was shallow and overly deferential. One man’s quest to buy cheap liquor across the provincial border in Quebec, without risking...
Read More +By ZOE JOHANSEN-HILL* This comment discusses R. v. Stephan and the limits criminal law places on parental decision-making I. THE PHENOMENON OF HINDSIGHT BIAS IN HEALTH LAW Hindsight bias is a common concern in many areas of the law, including health law. The phenomenon of hindsight bias refers to the tendency to believe that a party or accused must have committed a...
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