Survey Request – Cloud Computing and Member Technology
July 21, 2020
In the fall of 2019, the Law Society formed a Cloud Computer Working Group to provide advice to the Society on issues related to cloud computing and the emerging issues it presents to our members. The key responsibilities of the Working Group include:
Monitoring changes in technology and regulation, as they relate to cloud computing that may affect the Society and our members;
Monitoring and amending the Society’s cloud computing best practices and checklists;
Identifying areas that the Society should focus on when developing training for our members relating to cloud computing; and
Promoting cloud computing training to members.
The Working Group is presently comprised of Josh MacFadden, Cory Furman, Q.C., Nathan Schissel, and Joseph Gill.
After initially reviewing the state of cloud computing guidance for our members, the Working Group determined that a survey of members would be most appropriate to direct additional work. Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the level of technology adoption by our members was quite varied and the technology solutions employed by our members was very diverse. With the pandemic, we have only seen an acceleration of technology adoption by our members and an increased sensitivity to the challenges that adoption can bring. Additionally, new realities with work-from-home arrangements within our firms have accelerated technology adoption to both serve a distributed workforce while also maintaining a high standard of cybersecurity. The Working Group therefore believes the timing is right to survey our members.
Please complete this short survey on the use of technology within your practice. It asks some general background on your practice followed by questions concerning various technology applications you may be deploying within your practice. Most critically, it asks about your needs as a member and what type of technology would have the most impact on your practice. For those of you completing the survey as a Designated Representative, please complete the form from the perspective of your entire firm.
We thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. The results will be used to inform the continuing work of the Working Group and ensure that its’ work maximizes utility and impact to our members.