The information provided on this blog is to, the best of our knowledge, accurate and up-to-date as of the date of posting. However, please be aware that information can change rapidly and without notice. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented after the posting date. It is advised that readers exercise due diligence and independently verify the accuracy of information they find on this blog news feed. Here are links to the most current information available in relation to our Membership, Saskatchewan Case Law, and Saskatchewan Legislation.
Information has been provided on several upcoming conferences with legal themes:
First Nation Land Governance Registry Regional Open Houses
February 5-6, 2025
The First Nation Land Governance Registry (FNLGR) is hosting regional open houses on topics related to the creation and management of on-reserve land interests, guided by modernized regulations and registry standards under the new FNLGR.
Please visit the First Nations Land Governance Registry website for registration information.
National Impact of Race and Culture Assessments Centre Virtual Town Hall
February 11 and 13, 2025
The African Nova Scotian Justice Institute (ANSJI) has organized a virtual town hall related to the development of a national Impact of Race and Culture Assessments (IRCA) centre to support the ongoing development of IRCA service delivery in each provincial and territorial jurisdiction.
Two sessions are offered to accommodate participants from across the country. Click here to register by Monday, February 3, 2025. Additional details, including the agenda and the virtual meeting link, will be sent closer to the session dates.
Continuing professional development is also offered by the Law Society of Saskatchewan and upcoming courses can be viewed on the Law Society’s website.