Legal Sourcery is the award winning, top legal news source in Saskatchewan. Find the latest Law Society updates and information from the Saskatchewan legal community.
By Jenneth Hogan Mainil Some interesting legal news to help you ease into your week: Advocacy organization wants to map hatred and discrimination with atlas (Timmons Today) Should Canada restrict the use of gag orders in sexual abuse cases? (Global News) Canadian Regulator Proposes New Rules for Crypto (Finance Magnates) Court of Appeal rejects recognizing tort of harassment (Law Times)...
Read More +By Alan Kilpatrick Some interesting Saskatchewan legal news to help you ease into your week: - Estevan Mercury Publications RCMP watchdog's review into Colten Boushie case delayed - CBC Sask. court rules Regina nightclub shooter cannot be sued in negligence lawsuit - CBC New labour relations board vice-chairperson - Yorkton this Week New law society president craves challenges - Canadian...
Read More +By Alan Kilpatrick Some interesting Saskatchewan legal news to help you ease into your week: Court reserves decision in Saskatchewan vs Ottawa carbon tax case (620 CKRM) FSIN leaders vote to oppose trespassing laws (Global News) Judge's ruling not cat's meow for Saskatchewan feline rescue group founder (Estevan Mercury) Saskatchewan courts may be closer to having cameras during trials: experts...
Read More +The Law Society launched our new updated website on January 11. Thank you for your patience as we work out a few bugs and for your feedback on future improvements. Please continue to provide feedback to [email protected]. We will continue to provide updates as new improvements are implemented. Over the next several days, we will highlight specific changes and enhancements...
Read More +After winning the Canadian Law Blog Award (Clawbie) for Best Canadian Law Library Blog three times, Legal Sourcery has been inducted into the Clawbie Hall of Fame! Legal Sourcery: Sharing a reliable mix of practical tips, events, library news and resources, and legal developments and happenings in Saskatchewan–all in an personable and engaging way–Legal Sourcery has still got that “info-cool factor” we...
Read More +By Melanie Hodges Neufeld The folks here at Legal Sourcery received a special New Year’s Eve gift – our blog won the Canadian Law Blog Award (Clawbie) for Best Canadian Law Library Blog. This is the second year in a row we have earned the honour and we are grateful to those who nominated us. Best Law Library Blog Award...
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