2019 was an exceptional year for the Law Society of Saskatchewan. Benchers, Staff and Committees focussed on creating the new Rules of the Law Society of Saskatchewan necessary to conform with incoming amendments to The Legal Profession Act, 1990 which came into force on January 1, 2020. During this process, we also took the opportunity to revise the Rules in their entirety, a task which, until 2019, had not been undertaken in almost 30 years. This was an enormous effort. It was also truly a team effort. As a result, unlike previous years where we highlighted the work of individual committees, we felt these important 2019 team accomplishments were best framed in the aggregate to appropriately celebrate the group nature of this daunting task. You will also notice that the content of the report is largely contained in links that reference existing communications related to key items of Society business. It has been done this way to highlight our commitment to timely and transparent communication throughout the year. We hope you find the 2019 Annual Report in its new format helpful and informative.