Training Opportunity for Your Firm’s Associates and Articling Students
May 2, 2023
We all know that upskilling adds value to your firm, but did you know that professional development opportunities are also a great retention strategy? Encourage your articling students and associates to attend the upcoming Law Society of Saskatchewan Seminar Keys to Successful Oral Advocacy: All Your Questions Answered.
This in-person seminar will be held on May 25th in Regina and features members from all levels of Saskatchewan’s judiciary as well as accomplished senior litigators and is an exceptional opportunity for lawyers to network, ask questions, and:
Learn practical tips from seasoned and accomplished litigators to help hone skills, deal with nerves, avoid missteps, and effectively prepare for oral advocacy,
Hear from the Court about what it expects, what works and what doesn’t, and their tips for remedying issues they commonly see in the courtroom, and
Engage directly with experienced practitioners and members of Saskatchewan’s judiciary.
This unique event will not be recorded, so don’t miss the opportunity to attend! Registration is just $205 for Law Society Members and $105 for Articling Students.
You can view the full agenda, speaker list, and registration details on our website.