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By Melanie Hodges Neufeld, Director of Legal Resources and Communications
The Law Society is a proud partner of the Saskatchewan Access to Legal Information Project (SALI) and launched a public campaign for this project in October 2018. The objective of the SALI Project is to increase access to legal information for Saskatchewan residents through collaboration between justice stakeholders and trusted intermediaries – we have focused on partnering with library stakeholders.
By way of background, the SALI Project partners hosted a conference on October 20-21, 2017, during the Second Annual Saskatchewan Access to Justice Week. The primary purpose for the event was to bring together a large number of public library representatives from rural, remote, and small urban centres in Saskatchewan as well as experts in the topic area, to further address how greater access to legal information can be achieved through partnering with libraries.
Since October 2017, the project partners have been collaborating to implement the ideas for next steps that were identified during the conference. Some of the next steps have involved collaborating to establish a “Detecting Legal Problems” webinar and resources that were distributed to all public library staff, a data collection project, and an advertising campaign, to make the public more aware of public libraries as an ‘access to justice entry point’ (i.e. an accessible place to find legal information).
Part of the public campaign includes videos on detecting legal issues regarding consumer law, power of attorney and guardianship, and family law. Please see our website for more information.