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By Sara Stanley
The Advocate
Volume 79, Part 5 (September 2021)
On the Front Cover / D. Michael Bain, Q.C.
The Impact of Vavilov on Appeals of Commercial Arbitration / Jennifer K. Choi and the Honourable Thomas A. Cromwell
The Articling Student with the Corner Office / Dirk Van Ommen
Adding Some Curb Appeal: The New Court of Appeal Act and Proposed Court of Appeal Rules / Peter Senkpiel, Tom Posyniak and Caitlin Ohama-Darcus
Estates Trusts & Pensions Journal
Volume 40, Number 4 (August 2021)
Conflicts When Acting as Trustee and Lawyer / C. David Freeman
Why Estate Planning Matters for the LDBTQ+ Community / Darren G. Lund and Brittany Sud
Is there a Limit to the AG’s Parens Patriae Jurisdiction over Charities? / Joel Nitikman
Canadian Criminal Law Review
Volume 26, Number 1 (September 2021)
Fault, Causation and Absolute Liability in Criminal Code s. 320.14/1 / Ami Kotler
The Rule of Law: The Role of the Various Participants in a National Security Context / George G. Dolhai
The Reasonableness of Regulatory Searches: Saying Goodbye to the Criminal-Regulatory Binary / Steven Penney
[Book Review] A Guide to Mental Disorder Law in Canadian Criminal Justice / Justice Patrice F. Band
[Book Review] Detention of Terrorism Suspects: Political Discourse and Fragmented Practices / Barry Sullivan
Canadian Business Law Journal
Volume 65, Number 1 (September 2021)
Illegality and Unjust Enrichment / Mitchell McInnes
Joint Venture Figmentation / Robert Flannigan
The Magna Share Buyback: A Peek Under the Hood / Jeffrey MacIntosh
UBER Technologies Inc. v. Heller: The Arbitration Implications / Shelley McGill
Can Litigation Close the Transnational Corporate Accountability Gap? Nevsun Ltd. v. Araya / Jason MacLean
Pawnbroking, Priorities and the PPSA / Anthony Duggan
National Creditor Debtor Review
Volume 36, Number31 (September 2021)
Reviewing CCAA Disclaimers Requires Balancing of Interests / D.J. Miller, Mitchell Grossell, Andrew Hanrahan, Derek Harland and Scott Q. McGrath
Health Law in Canada
Volume 42, Number 1 (August 2021)
Editorial / Simmie Palter
Reasonable Expectations in Long-Term Care: Using the Oppression Remedy to Protect Residents during the Covid-19 Pandemic / Felicity Radan
Popping the Cap / Phil Lord
Contending with PIPEDA’s Application to Ontario Hospitals / Nyranne Martin