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From the Law Society of Manitoba
On March 10, 2023, The Law Society of Manitoba, The Court of King’s Bench Judges and The Provincial Court Judges will provide a child protection program. The event will be in-person and virtual. In Saskatchewan, this program qualifies for 6 CPD hours, of which 1.5 hours qualifies for Ethics. In Manitoba, this session qualifies for 6 CPD hours and 1.5 EPPM hours.
January 1, 2023 marked three years since the federal Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families came into force, bringing about significant changes to how courts and agencies deal with child protection cases involving Indigenous children. It is timely to devote this year’s program to meaningful discussion about the everyday impact the Act has had on child protection law practice, and to the questions that remain about many aspects of the Act’s application.
We are delighted that Kimberly Stonechild will be here to share her perspective as a Saskatchewan practitioner, in particular the steps being taken in that province with regard to cultural continuity and the development of cultural plans for families. The program will offer plenty of local perspective as well with a panel of Manitoba lawyers and judges participating in a practical and interactive discussion about commonly experienced issues with the Act. Topics will include: priority placement; notice and confidentiality; and, the identification of and service on IGBs (Indigenous Governing Bodies).
There are limited spots available in the Law Society classroom so be sure to register early if you wish to attend in-person. Registration includes 30 day access to the video recording of the program.